The Other Other Gods
You know all of the Other Gods
the Old Ones and their avatars
from creatures made of bubble soap
to things that lurk beyond the stars.
But what of Other Other Gods?
less famous than ol’ squid-face head?
For where you dare not dare to dare
the fearsome Rhonda licks the dead!
Part dish, part rat, part magic lamp
Part cuttlefish, part soup, part slug
The arcane Trevor, while you sleep
pours buttermilk upon your rug.
There’s Pam, whose gums stink of the sea
And Stephanie the bloated sun
And Omar, called the Goat and Wheel
And what’s-her-name, the nameless one
And Ferdinand, the Leaping Glare!
And Butterscotch the Brutal Snore!
And Ethan Jones of Wichita.
(I don’t know what he’s in here for.)
More terrors gibber in the mist
than penetrate the mind’s facades
So when your rug smells of the dead
Recall the Other Other Gods.
Illustration by Brian Elig.
(Click on image above to see at full scale.)
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